The decline in collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid leads to loss of facial volume, particularly in the lower face (cheeks, chin, lips, nasolabial folds, marionette lines). Furthermore, the ageing process is associated with the loss of subcutaneous fat and appearance of deep static lines and folds which become more and more apparent. Once attractive youthful triangle made of high cheeks and small chin becomes square made of flat cheeks and wide and heavy jaw. Other factors that also affect facial skin include sun exposure, heredity and lifestyle. Dermal fillers help to diminish facial lines and restore youthful volume and fullness in the face.
Dermal fillers are the gold standard in restoring youthful facial volume, treating static lines and folds and recreating facial contour.
The most popular dermal fillers on the market are hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in our own bodies (especially in soft tissue) which diminishes with age. Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers we use in our clinic are made of non-animal stabilized hyaluronic acid (NASHA) and were FDA approved in 2003. There are different types of dermal fillers on the market. Regardless the manufacturer, dermal fillers vary in thickness and consistency and last between 6-18 months depending on the product, depth injected, area treated, body metabolism and some environmental factors such as heat. Considering the UK aesthetic industry is currently unregulated, choosing experienced and licenced doctor is more important than choosing a dermal filler.
Dermal filler injections are the 2nd most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure and their popularity is increasing every year with more than 2 500 000 dermal filler treatments performed every year only in the USA.
Fillers are primarily used in the face to restore volume and fill in deep wrinkles and nasal folds, but they’re also used elsewhere to rejuvenate the body. For instance, Radiesse has been FDA-approved for subdermal implantation into the hands to smoothen out wrinkles and hide pronounced veins.
Dermal fillers are used to restore a youthful appearance and to add lost volume to the face.
As we age, loss of facial volume and youthful facial contours is inevitable. This happens due to the loss of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and subcutaneous fat. Furthermore, because of the gravity, facial skin tends to go downwards causing facial lines and folds like nasolabial and marionette lines.
We use hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers in a form of gel so we are therefore simply replacing the hyaluronic acid lost in the ageing process.
Dermal fillers injected into certain facial areas can also give a lifting effect because they have the form of a gel which, once injected, acts like an inflated cushion to support facial structures and tissues that may have lost volume or elasticity due to normal ageing. It also attracts water to the surface of the skin to keep it looking fresh and soft which results in more youthful appearance. Studies have shown that hyaluronic acid injected into the skin stimulates body’s own collagen production.
We only use hyaluronic acid dermal fillers made of non-animal stabilized hyaluronic acid (NASHA). Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in our own bodies which, once injected, stimulates body’s own collagen production.
Dermal filler injections, if done correctly, are very safe procedures. However, there is a small risk of complications. Although very rare, the most common complications after dermal filler injections are an infection and filler irregularity.
Even though there are permanent fillers available on the market, we do not use them at SM Aesthetics.
We only use temporary fillers. With permanent fillers, there is always a risk of the patient not liking the result achieved and not being able to reverse the effects of treatment.
With hyaluronic acid fillers, not only are the results temporary, they can also be reversed with a special product called hyalase.
Dermal fillers are primarily used in the face to restore volume and fill in deep wrinkles and nasal folds, but they’re also used elsewhere to rejuvenate the body. For instance, Radiesse is FDA-approved for subdermal implantation into the hands to smoothen out wrinkles and hide pronounced veins.
Furthermore, advanced aesthetic doctors like Dr Matic can re-contour, augment and re-define the face to restore volume specifically to the chin, jaw, cheekbones and tear troughs. For these areas, we use thicker hyaluronic acid dermal fillers which help restore age-related volume loss and can give more youthful and dynamic proportions.
Treatment should not be carried out if there is an infection in the area you would like to treat or if you are allergic to positive bacterial proteins. In case you are allergic to lidocaine, you should mention it during your consultation because new generation dermal fillers contain lidocaine.
Although most cosmetic treatments are performed on women, men are closing the gap. It is not just women that see the signs of ageing on their faces. Men, although might not be as open about it like women, also notice the wrinkles and folds in their faces as they age.
As well as women, men also want to be able to look into the mirror and feel good about the reflection staring back at them.
While women are more looking to get high lateral cheeks, men want to retain and emphasize facial masculine features like flatter face and more prominent jaw.
Dermal fillers injections are just as effective and safe on males as they are on females.
All dermal fillers treatments are carried out by Dr Matic who will first have a face to face consultation with you to discuss your goals, likely outcomes, risks and potential complications as well as your past medical history. Dermal filler treatment is actually an artistic treatment where the injector can completely redefine and augment the face.
Dr Matic is an advanced aesthetic doctor performing various dermal fillers treatments:
- Nasolabial Lines Filler (Nose To Mouth Filler)
- Marionette Lines Filler (Corner Of The Mouth Filler)
- Under Eye Dark Circles Filler / Tear Trough Filler
- Non-Surgical Nose Job
- Cheek Filler
- Lip Filler
- Chin Filler
- Jawline Filler
- Smoker’s Lines / Perioral Lines Filler
- Hand filler

The consultations take place before the treatment to discuss all aspects of the treatment, to evaluate your facial appearance and to decide which areas of your face should be treated.
Before the treatment photos will be taken of the areas which will be treated and your face might be marked with strategic injection sites.
Even though most dermal fillers now contain a built-in anaesthetic which helps to minimise pain, we routinely apply additional anaesthetic cream to the areas to be treated.
The dermal fillers come in a gel form and are injected into the desired area through an ultra-tiny needle or a blunt cannula. The blunt cannula is an advanced technique often used by Dr Matic (especially for the tear trough treatment) which minimises the risk of bleeding and bruising.
After the injections, the treated areas will be massaged to eliminate any lumps and to achieve a smooth result.
Depending on the number of areas treated and the amount of dermal filler applied, the treatment can last from 15-30 minutes and the effects can last from 6-18 months.
Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers usually come in a 0.5 and 1 ml syringes. The amount of dermal filler depends on the area we want to treat and on client’s facial characteristics. Therefore, thorough facial analysis is required before the treatment.
Unlike Botulinum toxin injection treatments, where the first results are apparent after 3-7days, dermal fillers filling effect is apparent straight after the treatment. Regardless the manufacturer, dermal fillers vary in thickness and consistency and last between 6-18 months depending on the product, depth injected, area treated, body metabolism and some environmental factors such as heat.
It is important to highlight the initial swelling of the treated area will go down by 20-30% in few days following the treatment so the final result is slightly less volume than straight after the treatment. You can expect to see the full effect in one to two weeks following the treatment.
Results can be subtle or dramatic depending on your desire. Most commonly the post-treatment feedback we get from our clients is that they are being complimented they look more youthful and fresh.
People who have regular dermal fillers treatments can have more lasting results. Studies have shown that hyaluronic acid injected into the skin stimulates body’s own collagen production which prolongs desired smooth and youthful appearance.
Most patients have top-ups when they feel the effect is starting to wear off.
There is no downtime or recovery time for dermal filler injections so you can resume normal activities immediately.
The most common side effects related to dermal fillers injections include mild swelling, tenderness, bruising and redness. Redness normally resolves within few hours after the treatment while swelling and bruising resolve within few days.
Severe side effects, like an allergic reaction or skin necrosis, are extremely rare.
We like to see all our clients 3 weeks after the dermal filler treatment to assess the treatment outcome and to do a top up if necessary.
After the treatment, you will be given specific post-treatment instructions.
- Avoid massaging, rubbing or touching injected areas if possible.
- Avoid makeup for 12 hours after the treatment.
- Avoid high-intensity exercise for 24h after the treatment.
- Avoid facial treatments for at least 3 days after the injections.
- Avoid alcohol for 24 hours after the treatment.
- Avoid sun and heat exposures (sauna, steam rooms, hot shower/ bath) for 24h after the treatment.
- Remain upright for at least 4 hours after the treatment and try sleeping on your back the night after the treatment.
- In case of bruising use cold compress or Arnica cream.
The dermal filler treatment cost depends on treated areas. Please check our prices section to see our complete price list.